Shopify and Selling Online | Make Money Online

Shopify is a Monster

SHOPIFYShopify is the only service you need to get you up and running and selling online in a quick fashion. Back in the day you either had to know how to code or hire someone who did know how. A lot of people and entrepreneurs thought it was just too much of a headache and a lot of work to have an online presence. Hence Shopify!!! Today there are so many ways and platforms to get you online selling your own product, promoting another persons product or even setting up a drop shipping business so you don’t have to hold on to inventory so you can utilize your resources to help expand your business. Expanding through online marketing, such as using facebook ads, instagram and other social media outlets. Today there are no boundaries as a way to make a comfortable living. The only thing that will hold you back is your self. Shopify takes no technical knowledge and absolutely my favorite when it comes to setting up an online shop quick. With Shopify you can compete with some of the top players that are online because all the tools you need are at your fingertips. You can add a product, add variants, such as size and color for example, a brief description, upload some product images and publish within minutes. Shopify also has ad on plugins which can really elevate your business to the next level. Now there is a price to pay when using shopify. There are a few different plans to chose from. What’s great is you get a 15 day free trial to give shopify a test drive. So you have nothing to lose. Of course, there are some features that are disabled until you begin paying. For the most part, you can really get your head around Shopify within a day if not a couple of hours. Below I have  a video of an introduction to Shopify and how to get set up quick. You definitely want to register and host your domain before anything. I recommend BlueHost.   Shopify for Beginners Tutorial


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